Puppet Apply Powershell Function

With 8.56, the command line to run Puppet with the DPK got longer. You have to pass in the --confdir parameter and path every time you run Puppet.

To simplify the command, a simple Powershell function can be used to run the DPK. Add this function to your C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file.

function pa {
    $starttime = $(get-date)
    set-location c:\\psft\\dpk\\puppet
    stop-service Psft*
    puppet apply .\\manifests\\production\\site.pp --confdir=c:\\psft\\dpk\\puppet --strict off -d
    $elapsedtime = $(get-date) - $starttime
    Write-Output "Run Time: ${elapsedtime}"

Hiera Lookup Snippet

When doing a lot of Hiera lookups in your YAML files, it can be tedious to type out the %{hiera('')} string everytime. Here is a handy VSCode “snippet” for making this easier. If the YAML Language extension is installed (redhat.vscode-yaml)lookup will be able to autocomplete into the snippet, using tab to get inside, and then out of the hiera lookup. Add a new user snippet for the YAML file type with the following code:

"lookup": {
    "prefix": "lookup",
    "body": ["\\"%{hiera('$1')}\\"$0"],
    "description": "Hiera Lookup Snippet"
