We all refresh production PeopleSoft database to non-production environments. How we handle those refreshes can vary, but in the end we need to update tables in the database to make the copy of production work in the new environment. This article will give a list of tables to update and sample SQL statements to make those updates.
<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_orange.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Unless called out, SQL is written for Oracle databases
-- --------------------
-- Set New Schema Owner
-- --------------------
alter user SYSADM identified by <new password>;
update ps.psdbowner set
ownerid = 'SYSADM',
dbname = 'DEV'
where dbname = 'PRD';
update psadm.psstatus set
ownerid = 'SYSADM',
lastrefreshdttm = sysdate;
update psadm.psaccessprofile set
STM_ACCESS_ID = '<encrypted value>',
STM_ACCESS_PSWD = '<encrypted value>',
STM_ACCESS_PART1 = '<encrypted value>',
STM_ACCESS_PART2 = '<encrypted value>',