Start/Stop Services

The built-in cmdlets are great for starting and stopping a group of services. If you have Powershell Remoting enabled, you can use the -computername parameter to pass in a server or list of servers to execute the command remotely.


get-service -name psft* -computername <server or server,list> | start-service


get-service -name psft* -computername <server or server,list> | stop-service

Change Startup Type of Service

Situations sometimes arise where you need to set service startup to either ManualAutomatic or Disabled. To achieve that, use Set-Service command, e.g.

# Set All PeopleSoft Services to manual startup
Get-Service *psft* | Set-Service –StartupType 'Manual'

Delete Services

Since there is no delete-service cmdlet, use this command to delete services by name. For each service that contains “psft”, loop through the services and delete them.

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Where-Object { $ -like 'Psft*' } | % { $_.delete() }

You can also drop into a Windows Command Shell or PowerShell and use sc.exe to delete a service.

sc.exe delete PsftAppServerDomainAPPDOMService